Your future. Unlocked.

Implement Strategy helps leading organisations tackle their most difficult strategic challenges: the complex, the unknown and the worthwhile.

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Tackling, unravelling and solving the most difficult strategic challenges

Complex challenges

The rapid change trajectory of today’s corporate environment mandates organisations to embark on new transformation journeys and constantly respond to novel market developments. 

No business – whatever its size or age – is exempt from this reality, which gives rise to a constant influx of complex challenges. 

We help organisations make sense of the future and create better strategic choices. We challenge conventional thinking with fact-based external views and bring our deep functional expertise into play to help organisations shape and test their strategic choices. 

All organisations must turn complex challenges into simple solutions to stay fit for the future.

Watch the video with Roger Martin who we have collaborated with on transforming strategy and leadership to fuel successful change.

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Worthwhile challenges

The business of businesses is not just business. All companies are part of something much bigger than themselves, and play a vital role in improving our society and making the planet fit for future generations.​ 

While delivering value in return for investments, great companies do more. They put customers first, build sustainable business models and invest in their employees and communities. That is how sustainable impact is created.​ 

We help companies to look inwards to find their real purpose and unleash the power of full engagement. We help companies to look outwards to understand the worthwhile challenges that they can help solve given their capabilities.​ 

All organisations must define the worthwhile challenges that they are uniquely positioned to solve.​

Watch the video with Gary Hamel who we have partnered with several times on how to challenge our deepest assumptions about leading, managing and organising.

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Unknown challenges 

Transform yourself or get transformed by others. Powerful market trends, shifting customer preferences, and disruptive technologies are increasingly blurring sectorial barriers and giving rise to new business ecosystems. ​These present organisations with ever-changing unknown challenges. 

Looking into the unknown is a constant. To remain successful, all businesses must continuously question “what is” to sense and seize “what’s next.” If not, chances are that they will become irrelevant in the future.​ 

We help organisations to discover the deep needs of their future customers, create clarity on key trends, and design winning business models. We combine creative thinking and fast prototyping with in-depth strategic analysis to accelerate the time to impact for your future business model.​ 

All organisations must tackle the unknown to renew and reap the benefits of strategic innovation.​

Watch the video with Eric Ries. Together we explored the mindsets that need changing – and the actions that need to be taken – in order to create agile organisations for real.

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Clarity. Impact. Mastery. Collaboration.

We have assembled an international strategy team with more than 65 experienced top-tier consultants. We are united by our deep strategy expertise, are uniquely experienced with an average age of above 35, and take a collaborative approach to solving strategic challenges for our many clients. We strive to deliver the best solutions in the industry for the many challenges our clients face. 

In Implement Strategy, we work closely with Implement Consulting Group’s more than 1000 functional experts and our economics insights team from Implement Economics. 

Unique approach to making strategic choices
We bring back scientific thinking to strategy by exploring human needs and future trends, designing innovative strategic options and making deep fact-based tests to craft winning choices for the future. 

Leaders in driving strategic transformations for impact
We design solutions and tailor every interaction to unify leaders and engage the organisation in a shared drive towards delivering sustainable impact. 

Deep functional subject matter expertise
We are the leading top-tier strategy consulting company rooted in the Nordics providing direct access to deep subject matter expertise and our global knowledge network. 


Flexible and collaborative model with experienced teams
We co-create seamlessly with our customers leveraging our uniquely flexible engagement model and bringing highly experienced teams for every assignment.

Our services

We help our clients to solve their most difficult strategic challenges. We work for leading companies to design winning strategies, discover new paths to strategic innovation, support their mergers and acquisitions agenda and help bring strategy to life for sustainable impact. 

Learn more about how we can help.

Our insights

We are always on the move to push the boundaries of conventional strategic thinking. We partner with the world’s leading thought leaders to develop new insights and put thinking into practice in close collaboration with our clients. 

Dive into our articles, insights, and cases built on our experience from working with global organisations and their strategic journeys.

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Want to know more?

Get in touch with our strategy experts: