Welcome to 
Implement Hellerup

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From malt and hops to management consulting

Our main office in Copenhagen is located in Hellerup in the Tuborg brewery’s old buildings dating back to 1913.

Here, we have created an ideal space for the type of management consulting we practise. Without compromising the charm and atmosphere of our historic buildings, we have redesigned the interior with space dedicated to collaborative interaction, innovation and business development. More than 1,000 Implementers have this – and our sister office in Borgergade – as their home base for client projects and collaboration.

Moving from Hørsholm to Hellerup in 2012, we started out occupying only one of Tuborg’s historic buildings. Unfortunately, in 2015, a fire raged the building, burning it to the ground, and we quickly decided to move into another building nearby. The rebuilding of the old building was completed in 2017; but by then, we had already outgrown our new (old) premises. From the ashes of the fire, we rose to take over even more of Tuborg’s old buildings. Today, we populate three of the old Tuborg buildings that together constitute the Hellerup branch of our Copenhagen office.

On the square surrounded by our three office buildings is a sculpture of a big porcelain foot designed by Royal Copenhagen. It is pointing to the harbour to remind us of the humanity and courage of the fishermen and people from the resistance movement who risked their lives crossing Øresund to bring Jewish refugees to safety in Sweden during the Second World War.

We love our Hellerup office and are truly humbled to be allowed to work in such beautiful surroundings. On a daily basis, they help inspire us to fulfil our dream of helping people and organisations succeed with their most important change initiatives.

We do not work for you, we work with you

Our approach might differ from your average consultancy – clients come to us because they are looking for a partner rather than a supplier.

We believe that real change happens through people. It is co-created. It is nourished when deep subject matter knowledge is brought into play in a way that involves and creates engagement. And last but not least, it happens when we are curious. When we dare to hold seemingly opposing perspectives without collapsing into an unambitious choice or compromise. When we embrace strategy AND implementation. Thinking AND doing. Insight AND impact.

This has led us to the conclusion that consulting is more than just giving advice, cracking the problem and coming up with the answer. We believe that problems are best solved by leveraging the wisdom of the crowd and trying to solve the problem together. Collaboratively and with respect for the skills we each bring to the table. We call it collaborative consulting.

We believe that this approach is necessary when wanting to help people and organisations succeed with their most important change initiatives. Which we do.

Get to know us

Our Copenhagen office holds everything from young talent to highly experienced experts. What unites us is our curiosity, nerdery and passion for turning plans and ambitions into reality. To move something forward and create long-lasting impact.

This calls for ambitious and passionate people. Someone with profound mastery. Someone who knows their field of expertise better than anyone else. Someone who is willing to inspire, learn and grow. Always.

So, that is what we strive to be: the best place for the best people.

Our culture is characterised by a high degree of autonomy because we truly believe it is the best way to foster creativity and long-lasting solutions. We do not believe in formal hierarchies – never have, never will. Resources are allowed to flow freely to where they are needed and where they create the most impact.

To some, it might seem a bit chaotic and unstructured. To others, it is the perfect playground for their talent to flourish. No matter what, you can be sure that you will get all the help and guidance you ask for when you take the driver’s seat of your own career and design your journey at Implement.

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Juniorkonsulent med passion for digitalisering og den offentlige sektor
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Junior Consultants to join our People Strategy team
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Junior Consultants to join our Change Communication team
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Junior consultants to join our Commercial Strategy & Transformation team
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Student Assistant to join our in-house Analysis team

Find us on Google Maps

Implement Consulting Group P/S
Strandvejen 54
2900 Hellerup

T: +45 4586 7900
E: info@implement.dk

VAT no.: 32767788

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People of Hellerup