
Advancing Denmark’s public sector with generative AI

KL, ATP, the Danish Ministry of Digital Government and Gender Equality and Implement Consulting Group

6 February 2024

A landmark report on large language models shapes future policy and innovation in Denmark’s public sector.

The project is made in co-operation with Local Government Denmark (KL), the association and interest organisation of the 98 Danish municipalities, together with ATP – a self-governing institution working to ensure basic financial security for all Danes via managing pensions, investment and administration – and the Ministry of Digital Government and Gender Equality.

Together with Implement, they conducted a comprehensive analysis of large language models (LLMs) in Denmark’s public sector. Involving over 40 global experts, the study examined current market dynamics, potential impacts and the feasibility of a tailored Danish language model. It aimed to provide a thorough understanding of AI technologies and their application in the public sector, assessing economic implications and strategic scenarios for Denmark’s digital advancement.

Why focus on large language models in Denmark’s public sector?

Like everywhere else, we are witnessing rapid global advancements in AI in Denmark, and so, KL, ATP and the Ministry of Digital Government and Gender Equality recognised a critical need to explore the integration of AI and language technology in its public sector. 

With the project, they aimed to flesh out the critical questions and draft up scenarios, including the possibility of developing a unique Danish language model. The project was envisioned as a key step in enhancing public service efficiency and accessibility through digital innovation.

A methodical and multi-dimensional project

Led by Implement Consulting Group, the project was methodical and multi-dimensional. It involved detailed expert interviews and large-scale seminars to understand the nuances of AI in the public sector. 

Throughout the project, we developed a novel strategic framework, providing key questions and scenarios to navigate the complex landscape of AI technologies. Using this approach, we ensured a well-rounded evaluation of language technology, considering economic, technological and strategic aspects.

A profound influence on Denmark’s policy-making and public sector strategy

The resulting report has profoundly influenced Denmark’s policy-making and public sector strategy. It aligned key stakeholders and decision-makers, providing them with a detailed and nuanced understanding of AI and language technology.

The report has been pivotal in guiding Denmark’s digital transformation journey, signifying an important step towards informed, strategic planning in adopting AI technologies for public service enhancement.

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