
The AI starter kit

The fundamental three Ts of any generative AI transformation

29 July 2024

Our AI starter kit comprises three Ts: tools, training, and task force. The three Ts serve as the basic foundation for all business transformation with generative AI and provide you with a strategic road map to integrate AI technology effectively into your operations.

It is about getting started

Generative AI is no longer a distant innovation but a present reality – a reality transforming businesses. In our most recent survey, a significant number of high-usage employees already today report saving as much as 2-5 hours per week using basic off-the-shelf tools. 

At Implement Consulting Group, we have distilled our extensive experience into a practical framework for companies eager to leverage AI’s potential. This AI starter kit, comprising the three Ts – tools, training and task force, provides a strategic road map to integrate generative AI into your operations effectively.

The three Ts explained: tools, training and task force

Tools: equipping your workforce

When embarking on the journey of integrating generative AI into your business operations, the first and most critical step is equipping your workforce with the right tools. 

Security and privacy are paramount concerns. Here, leveraging major cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon can provide a secure and compliant environment. If your organisation is already confident in using tools like modern versions of Microsoft Office, you should have similar confidence in using generative AI technologies, provided proper training and guidelines are in place.

Our own experience at Implement Consulting Group highlights the importance of such tools. We have built an internal AI tool that has been used by nearly 2,000 Implement employees for over a year, proving its robustness and reliability. This AI tool has now matured and is now available for sale, ready to be deployed in other organisations. If you are interested, we encourage you to contact us for more information regarding pricing and deployment requirements.

We highly recommend an approach where you custom-build solutions on top of frontier models from major cloud providers, as these platforms offer the security and privacy guarantees necessary for business operations. While there are many vendors in the market, we often find that building directly on top of these major platforms provides a more secure and trustworthy solution. Microsoft Copilot and ChatGPT Enterprise are excellent examples of commercially available tools that can serve immediate needs while ensuring compliance with legal frameworks.

And it is worth stressing once again: yes, you can use AI technology securely and privately for most regular businesses. It can be done in compliance with GDPR, and it can be done in a way that safeguards company secrets. The days of the Wild West are over. 

In summary, equipping your workforce with generative AI tools is akin to providing them with essential productivity tools. By choosing secure, user-friendly solutions and considering custom builds when necessary, you can ensure your employees are well-equipped to harness the power of AI.

Training: building competence and confidence

Once tools are in place, training becomes imperative.
Employees need to understand not only how to use these tools but also how to use them effectively and responsibly. 

Your training should cover the identification and handling of AI-generated hallucinations, appropriate use cases and compliance with company guidelines. The learning curve can be likened to the initial adoption of Google search; it is a powerful tool, but it requires user education to avoid misconceptions and maximise utility.

We recommend a comprehensive training programme, typically spanning 4-6 hours, to cover the basics of AI tool usage. For enterprises with more ambitious goals, we typically recommend more complex learning journeys that incorporate blended learning techniques, combining online modules, workshops and real-time support.

For enterprises building custom solutions, an advanced strategy is that you embed the training directly into your AI tool. Generative AI can serve as an excellent teacher, as these tools are highly aware of their own capabilities and limitations. This embedded training approach ensures that employees receive guidance precisely when they need it, fostering a more intuitive learning experience.

Peer groups can also be highly effective, particularly for more mature enterprises. These groups allow employees to learn from each other’s experiences, share best practices and collectively troubleshoot issues. 

At Implement, we offer both off-the-shelf training programmes and custom-designed learning journeys tailored to your organisation’s specific needs. Our aim is to ensure that your workforce not only understands how to use the tools but can do so competently and securely.

Task force: strategic oversight

When steering the strategic integration of generative AI in your business, it is crucial that you form a dedicated task force. We recommend keeping the task force small and ensuring it has direct reporting lines to senior leadership. This facilitates swift decision-making and ensures that AI initiatives align closely with your organisation’s strategic objectives.

While it may seem self-serving, we advocate for the inclusion of external experts in your task force. Having an outside-in perspective is invaluable for identifying opportunities and pitfalls that might not be apparent from within the organisation. The task force should focus on a comprehensive assessment of customers, suppliers, competitors and internal processes. Tools like the value chain can help identify where AI can create the most significant impact.

If not using externals in your task force, we typically recommend including people with a digitalisation background or strong cross-functional collaboration and facilitation skills. Having at least a basic insight into the AI technology covered in the task force is also a requirement. The task force does not need to be senior people, but it does need to be anchored senior with few effective touchpoints. 

Essential activities for the task force are use case identification, road map design and facilitation of guidelines for the technology. These tasks ensure that AI initiatives are well-planned and executed, with clear objectives and metrics for success. Our team at Implement Consulting Group is experienced in supporting companies through these processes, providing strategic insights and practical support.

In conclusion, the task force plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your AI strategy is equally forward-thinking and grounded in practical, actionable plans. By keeping the task force focused and leveraging external expertise, you can navigate the complexities of AI integration effectively and drive meaningful business transformation.

Transformation with a pragmatic approach

In conclusion, the AI starter kit – focusing on tools, training and task force – provides a pragmatic and effective strategy for businesses to begin their AI journey. By embracing these steps, you are equipped to harness the transformative potential of generative AI and secure your business’s future in an increasingly AI-driven world.

By following this structured approach, your organisation can confidently navigate the complexities of generative AI, turning potential challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth.

Reach out

Need support on tailored solutions or strategic guidance? 

Implement Consulting Group is ready to help!

Read more about our take on generative AI here

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