Changing conversations
3 December 2021
We care about helping leaders make their organisations become fit for humans and fit for the future – and we have a hypothesis that conversations might just be the smallest biggest thing in catalysing real, sustainable change.
Conversations are everywhere. We have them in meetings, at coffee machines, in workshops, on the phone, on Zoom. While we are driving, when we wish we were somewhere else, and when there is nowhere else we would rather be. Sometimes we wish we could just get it over with, so we can get working on the real stuff. Sometimes they are the real stuff. Some of them seem important, others are dull, and some turn out to be different than we thought.
Regardless of what you do, what you know and who you are, you are always in conversation.
From idea to impact, conversations are where transformation takes place. We need to get more intentional about the way we use conversations. We need to practise ways of being in conversations that build a sense of meaning. And we need to grow our toolset for designing conversations for more progress.
Our conversational beliefs
Organisations are conversations.
Conversations are the currency and means by which we create together, organise together and evolve together.
Change is changing conversations.
Conversations are the trigger point for real transformation. If you want transformation, you must change the conversation.
We shape our conversations, and they shape us.
Conversations are accessible to every person in the organisation. And in the process of changing the conversation, we change the way we think (and hence, the way we act).
Conversational heroes
Changing conversations podcast
Listen to our "Changing Conversations" podcast where we gather interesting perspectives on the topic in conversation with business leaders, management thinkers and thought leaders.
Listen here.