
The future of business process management

– The key to scaling organisations and delivering great customer experiences
This article was originally co-authored by

11 March 2024

In 2024, Implement published a benchmark study report on the future of business process management. In the study, we asked organisations to assess their business process management today and their ambitions in the field in three years’ time.

The participating organisations represent a wide range of industries and lines of business. Two-thirds of respondents are organisations with more than 1,000 employees, and one-third are respondents from senior management.

Key takeaways from the benchmark report

  • 9 out of 10 organisations will prioritise working with processes over the next three years.
  • 77% of organisations believe that they need to build stronger process capabilities to deliver on their ambitions.
  • In three years, 2.4 times as many organisations expect process management to be a key lever for improving customer experience and 1.5 times as many for organisational scalability.


Want to be part of the study?

We invite you to become part of the benchmark study and contribute with your insights and ambitions.

In return, we will share a customised copy of the benchmark report that shows your organisation’s responses compared to the average respondent. We are also happy to set up a meeting, elaborate on the report and discuss your business process management ambitions.

Be part of the survey

What is business process management (BPM)?

Business process management is the practice of designing, validating, governing and monitoring an organisation’s business processes in line with strategic and operational ambitions. 

Working with BPM is key to ensuring sustainable improvements in areas such as efficiency, customer experience, scalability, quality and compliance.

We help organisations establish, map and develop their processes in combination with building capabilities, practices and a supporting framework across sectors to achieve efficient processes that deliver products and services on time, in the right quantity and with the expected quality.

Download the benchmark report

Download our Benchmark study report and get all the insights from the study. We will also be happy to arrange a brief session to share our perspectives on business process management. You can find relevant contact details at the top left of this page.

Download the report

Want to know more?

Reach out to our process experts behind the analysis if you want to know more!

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