Join us for a breakfast seminar focused on how to build and lead a successful master data team to unleash the power of master data.

You will gain valuable insights from experts on the importance of master data management, learn why master data initiatives fail and discover strategies for creating a thriving data organisation. Together, we will demonstrate how fundamental master data management is to the success of your business.

Whether you are an experienced professional or new to this topic, this breakfast seminar offers an excellent opportunity to network, learn and engage with your local peers.

Sign up now and join us for an inspiring session on building a successful master data management team and unlocking the power of master data.



Pavla Lengalova

Pavla is a master data management director at Getinge and has more than 18 years of experience building and leading master data teams for global companies such as Ikea, Pandora and Getinge.

Ulrik Salde
Implement Consulting Group

Ulrik is a senior partner at Implement and responsible for developing Implement's framework for data enablement and data activation to help clients harness more value from data.

Any questions?