An intimate session with poet and philosopher David Whyte

The conversational nature of leadership

3 June 2024

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For nearly a century, research has consistently shown that 33% of all change projects deliver the intended impact and that only 14% consider themselves fully engaged in their job. From a business perspective, it is financially unsound. From a human perspective, it is tragic. 

We are on a mission to change these numbers.

An invitation to explore the conversational nature of leadership

An elemental part of that mission has been to explore the power of conversation to figure out how to leverage conversations to transform.

We invite you to join an exclusive session where we will share insights into how to leverage the power of conversation to catalyse transformation.

We will do that together with poet and philosopher David Whyte and a couple of cool leaders who have transformed their conversations to foster change.



Bellevue Teater
Strandvejen 451
2930 Klampenborg


3 June 2024

16:30 - 18:30 (CEST)

The event is free of charge. 


The power of conversation

When leaders are asked about what they long for more of in conversations, their response is: courage and curiosity.

We believe that future-fit leaders must develop strong conversational leadership capabilities and get more intentional about the way we use conversations. We believe that conversations are probably the smallest biggest thing in leadership. Shaping courageous conversations is a catalytic element in driving successful transformation.

Imagine if... 

… leaders mastered the art and science of shaping the conversations that move the organisation forward in all the touchpoints we have.

... every conversation was designed to leave us more engaged and with more energy.

... leaders developed the personal artistry in holding space for real conversations that maximises the capacity of others.

… leaders proactively identified and stopped the conversations that are broken and shaped iconic conversations that demonstrate what we can do collectively when we are at our best.

The conversational nature of leadership

David Whyte

We have joined forces with one of our conversational heroes – poet, philosopher and best-selling author David Whyte.

David Whyte’s writing explores the timeless relationship of human beings to their world, to creation, to others and to the end of life itself. David’s poetry can be heard in the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies, the hallowed halls of educational institutions and on the stages of literary festivals and theological conferences. He offers a poetic approach to conversations with a deep reimagining of what conversation is. It is an invitation for us to reimagine the way we are in conversation with the world.


For any questions on practical information, please reach out to:

Emma Kær Kristensen
T: +45 2420 1566

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