The field of communication is changing rapidly in the era of AI. It opens new doors to faster content creation but also more powerful analytic capabilities. At this event, you get insights into our new, AI-powered approach to measuring and evaluating internal communication: the Communication Impact Index.

Communication is a powerful lever for employee engagement. Tragically, at a time when employee engagement is suffering, only 30% of employees feel engaged by internal communication. In other words, organisations are missing out on a major potential for increasing engagement. 

One common cause of this low number is that internal communication gets watered down by taste, opinions and politics. Unlike any other area that is crucial to business performance, data is rarely available to guide communication strategy and execution. Even though, as the saying goes, we should measure what matters. 

So why don’t we measure internal communication? Well, now we can!

A deep dive into the Communication Impact Index – our new, AI-powered tool to measure and evaluate internal communication

Join us for this virtual event and get a walkthrough of Implement’s solution to this challenge: the Communication Impact Index (CII).

The Communication Impact Index is an AI-powered method for consistently measuring your organisation’s communication and deriving insights into how to increase communication impact.

Join us to learn more about this data-driven approach to communication and how you can use it in your own organisation.

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