Do you know when and how to engage with key accounts? For many B2B companies, there is potentially untapped revenue to capture here. Join our morning webinar to learn how account-based marketing can help you do just that, and gain insights from Andrea Rubiano, Director of Global Strategic Marketing at Orbia, on their experience with ABM pilots.

You may know most of the customers in your target market – but do you know all the decision makers and influencers in each buying centre? And do you have strong relationships across the board? Probably not.

Account-based marketing (ABM) aligns marketing with sales, driving quality leads and opportunities, with clearer, measurable contributions to the sales pipeline – moving beyond just awareness, clicks, and impressions.

Our ABM projects drive substantial pipeline growth, typically yielding a 300-600% Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI).

Do any of these issues sound familiar?

  • We are good at converting leads once they are in, but our reps are more farmers than hunters. We need help opening doors.
  • We have an innovative offering that is not gaining enough traction, and the cost of sales is too high for our reps to educate the market. Sales meetings would be more productive if customers were already familiar with the brand and value proposition.
  • Marketing and sales do not collaborate closely. Marketing is driving broad awareness, but it doesn’t align with our sales reps’ target account lists. We need more focus in our marketing efforts.
  • Marketing generates leads, but they’re either low quality or sales are not prioritising them. We do not need more leads; we need higher-quality leads – and sales needs to prioritise these.

We often encounter these issues in B2B companies that serve large accounts with significant deal sizes and complex decision-making processes. Engaging the right stakeholders at the right time is crucial to driving meaningful results. Account-based marketing (ABM) can help you achieve this.

A morning focused on the essentials of account-based marketing

ABM is a strategic approach that personalises go-to-market efforts across multiple channels to drive sales at key target accounts. It can help you boost demand, increase the number of opportunities, and grow average order size. It aligns sales and marketing by "fishing with spears" (starting with a list of target accounts) instead of "fishing with a net" (starting with a broad customer segment).

While some B2B companies already use ABM, most have not fully leveraged its potential. By improving the timing and method of engaging with key accounts, there is untapped revenue waiting to be captured.

In this webinar, we will cover the essentials of ABM and address questions such as:

  • What is ABM, and when does this go-to-market approach make sense?
  • What value drivers can ABM influence?
  • How do you get started with or accelerate ABM?

You will also hear from Andrea Rubiano, Director of Global Strategic Marketing at Orbia, who will share her experience with ABM pilots. She will provide key learnings and do’s and don’ts.

By the end of this webinar, you will know whether ABM is right for your business and how to get started.

Any questions?