
Aim for motivation

Motivational Interviewing in a leadership perspective
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.
This article was originally co-authored by

5 August 2013

Aim for motivation puts the internationally acknowledged method Motivational Interviewing into a leadership perspective and shows how you in a practical and uncomplicated manner can direct the conversation in order to create motivation.

Several global studies show that employees who consider themselves highly motivated are up to four times more productive than employees who do not. The level of motivation and engagement among your employees is, to a very large extent, your responsibility as a leader.

Aim for motivation provides you with a qualified answer to how to solve this motivational challenge in practice. The book introduces Motivational Interviewing and puts it into a new context of management and leadership and, thus, showing you as a leader how you can create motivation for your employees and for yourself.

The book introduces three fundamental beliefs

  1. Human beings are by definition motivated. If your employees appear unmotivated, it is your responsibility as a leader to evoke their intrinsic motivation.
  2. The relationship you have with your employees decides the level of motivation. Without a close and trustful relationship, it is impossible to evoke motivation.
  3. Beliefs and conversations control our actions. It is through what we think and say we can change what we do.

Aim for motivation is primarily for leaders, but consultants, employees and others who are looking for practical tools to create motivation on their job will also find this book useful.

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