
Climate strategy playbook

How to develop clear and executable climate strategies

31 March 2020

Take climate action and stay prosperous in a low-carbon economy

Organisations know the “why” behind sustainability, but the “how” remains unclear. How can we bridge the sustainability implementation gap? And how can we create clear and executable climate strategies that go beyond compliance and actually create a positive impact for our planet and our businesses?

As customers, legislators and investors increasingly hold businesses accountable for their environmental impact, your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint will not only work well for your brand and customer retention; they will also make your business more competitive.

Designing a clear climate and executable strategy

Get inspiration for your own climate strategy

Do you want to start designing your own climate strategy? Or do you want to assess your current sustainability efforts? We've gathered perspectives on sustainability strategies and how to implement them in a 12-page playbook.

Dive into the climate strategy playbook

Define your ambition

The ambition of your climate strategy will guide your choices.

Without a clear ambition, climate choices are at risk of being incoherent and inefficient, leaving people in your organisation guessing how much they should do and how they can best contribute.

Your ambition must be clear. Whether it should be high is up to your judgement and strategy.

Set clear sustainability aspirations with the climate strategy playbook. 


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